Member for Bonner Ross Vasta has praised the initiative of Wynnum locals to establish a community garden in the green space near the Woolworths shopping centre on Florence Street.

Mr Vasta said he had been approached by local business owners, Charlene Lestley from Crystal Rose Gallery and Cherie Attias from Reel Cutz for Men, with their idea for the community garden.

“I’m proud to put my name to this petition and throw my full support behind a community garden at Wynnum Central,” Mr Vasta said.

The petition has gathered 150 signatures in less than two weeks.

Mrs Lestley said she, her husband Peter and son Barry were overwhelmed by the support from Wynnum locals.

“I think a community garden would be a great way to beautify the area and bring people together,” Mrs Lestley said.

Mrs Attias said the community garden was part of the new Wynnum Merchant Movement founded by herself and Mrs Lestley.

“This garden will give people purpose and draw people back to the area. Many of my clients would like a space where they can give back to the community along with others,” Mrs Attias said.

To sign the petition, visit Crystal Rose Gallery on Edith St, Wynnum.

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I think I’ve talked here about my local campaigns to fix the Lindum Station crossing and the Newnham Road-Wecker Road intersection three or four times this year. I’m happy to say that there have been some very good developments with both campaigns since I launched them last year. My petition to fix the Lindum Station crossing has well over 5,000 signatures now; and my petition to fix the Newnham Road-Wecker Road intersection has well over 1,000 signatures.

I was pleased to have the Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population out in Bonner recently to inspect these two black spots. Minister Tudge only had to take one look at the Lindum Station crossing to agree that it’s an accident waiting to happen. He acknowledges that it needs fixing, that it has to be done right, with the state Labor government needing to come to the party along with the Brisbane City Council. I’m hopeful that the Queensland Minister for Transport and Main Roads’ response will be as positive as my constituents’. The state government cannot pass the buck to the Brisbane City Council.

Last week I had a meeting with state member for Lytton, Joan Pease, and I would like to acknowledge her good work in helping to improve the car park at the station and changing the line marking in front of the boom gate. However, the station is still a very dangerous intersection and, with over 1,400 Iona College students needing to cross it every day, a major accident is unfortunately inevitable. I’ve told Ms Pease that I will seek a federal funding contribution, but it’s sad that the buck-passing is continuing. What a shame, but make no mistake: I’ll keep fighting for my constituents.

However, I have more encouraging news on the Newnham Road-Wecker Road intersection. Minister Tudge also agrees with me that a fix is needed, and he put the cost at around $12 million. He said that he’ll be working with the Brisbane City Council and me to investigate a solution to the intersection. It is one of the five worst intersections in the state, according to the RACQ.

My petitions are available on my website, or you can ring my office for paper copies. I want to thank the community for their strong support and say unequivocally: I won’t pass the buck and I won’t let you down. Thank you.

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Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta took Alan Tudge Minister for Urban Infrastructure, Cities and Population on a tour of Bonner today stopping at the local accident hotspot Newnham, Wecker rd intersection in Mount Gravatt East.

Mr Vasta explained that the local intersection is ranked one of the top five worst intersections in Queensland, and the community demands it be fixed.

“Thousands of locals have already signed my petition to have this issue fixed, and today I had the opportunity to show the Minister first hand why I’m fighting for a solution.

“Near misses and crashes are all too common at Newnham/Wecker Rd. Parents are trying to drop their young children at the school on the corner and having to deal with this mess, while paramedics are constantly being called out to accidents.” Mr Vasta said.

Minister Tudge thanked Mr Vasta for showing him the intersection and said after seeing the issues personally he knows why it’s a big issue for the community.

“Ross has expressed to me that this is one of the top priorities for local residents. We want to deal with congestion across the nation, and this is a project we will look at closely.”

The Minister said following today’s visit he will be working alongside Mr Vasta and the Brisbane City Council to investigate a solution for the intersection.

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Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Michael McCormack this week visited the intersection of Newnham Road and Wecker Road to talk with locals and see firsthand the hazards present at the intersection.

Member for Bonner Ross Vasta said his petition to fix the intersection had reached almost 1500 signatures.

“Every day I hear from locals about another crash or near miss at this terrible intersection. I’ve been fighting hard in Canberra for funding and I’ve taken Minister McCormack out to inspect the intersection to see for himself the dangers it poses to commuters,” Mr Vasta said.

Minister McCormack and Mr Vasta stopped by Lorenti’s Fresh Food Market near the intersection to discuss the intersection with owner Carlo Lorenti and other locals.

Mr Lorenti thanked Mr Vasta for taking action and gathering community support to fix the intersection.

“I’ve seen crashes over there. There are accidents just waiting to happen. It’s really worrying, and I’ve got customers here who tell me the same thing,” Mr Lorenti said.

Mr Vasta urged local residents and business owners to sign and share his petition. The petition can be accessed at or by calling 3893 3488.

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Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities Paul Fletcher today joined Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta to inspect the intersection of Newnham Road and Wecker Road at Mt Gravatt East.

Mr Vasta recently launched a community petition to fix the intersection that has already gathered hundreds of signatures.

“This is a terrible intersection that needs to be fixed. That’s why I’ve got the Minister here today to see first-hand how dangerous it is here,” Mr Vasta said.

“I’d like to see the Federal Government working with Brisbane City Council to fix this intersection and make sure commuters can travel safely to Bunnings, to the school, or elsewhere in our community.

“I’m fighting hard to ensure this intersection will no longer be a death trap.”

Minister Fletcher said he was pleased to have the chance to visit the intersection with Mr Vasta today and learn more about its congestion problems and accident history.

“There are a number of federal programs under which an upgrade to this intersection could potentially receive funding, including the Black Spot Program and our new $1 billion Urban Congestion Fund,” Minister Fletcher said.

“These are competitive funding programs but I know Ross will be working hard to make the best possible case. I look forward to working with Ross as he does this.”

More information on the Urban Congestion Fund is available at:

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Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities Paul Fletcher today joined Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta to inspect the Lindum Station Crossing at Wynnum West.

Mr Vasta’s community petition to fix the crossing has gathered almost 5000 signatures.

“This is a terrible level crossing that needs to be fixed. That’s why I’ve got the Minister here today to see first-hand how dangerous it is here,” Mr Vasta said.

“I’m fighting very hard to make sure this crossing is fixed as soon as possible. I want to make sure people can get to and from work on time, and that parents can drop off and pick up their children at the school zone safely.”

Minister Fletcher said he was pleased to have the chance to visit the crossing with Mr Vasta today and learn more about its congestion problems and accident history.

“There are a number of federal programs under which an upgrade to this crossing could potentially receive funding, including the Black Spot Program and our new $1 billion Urban Congestion Fund,” Minister Fletcher said.

“These are competitive funding programs but I know Ross will be working hard to make the best possible case. I look forward to working with Ross as he does this.”

More information on the Urban Congestion Fund is available at:

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The intersection of Newnham Road and Wecker Road in Mount Gravatt East is notorious. It has recently been named by RACQ as the worst intersection in Brisbane for serious crashes and casualties, and ranks fifth-worst in Queensland.

I've lost count of the number of locals who've told me about their near misses and crashes. Parents who drop off their kids at Mount Gravatt East State School have an appalling time navigating the intersection. Paramedics are being called out far too often.

I've started a petition, and we are demanding action to improve safety at this dangerous black spot. I call on all levels of government to work together on a solution.

I've already written to the Lord Mayor to request Brisbane City Council's assistance in improving the intersection. The petition I started last year to fix Lindum crossing generated huge community support.

I believe upgrading the Newnham and Wecker Road intersection is also important, and it deserves federal funding. Over the weekend, I had a stall at the Mount Gravatt Markets, and it was clear from the conversations I had with locals that this intersection needs to be fixed now.

To sign my petition, visit my website or just drop into my office.

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Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta, today launched a community petition to fix the intersection of Newnham Road and Wecker Road at Mount Gravatt East.

“I’m starting this petition on behalf of local residents and commuters who’ve contacted me about this dangerous intersection,” Mr Vasta said.

“Several people have told me about near misses and crashes they witness at the intersection week after week. Parents who drop off their young children at the school on the corner have a terrible time getting in and out. Paramedics are being called out there far too often. There is a serious issue with people not slowing down when travelling through the area.

“I’ve decided to step in and seek support from all levels of government so everyone can get home to their families quicker and safer.

“I’m asking for the community’s support before someone is killed.”

Mr Vasta said he would be seeking Federal funding to go toward a safety upgrade for the intersection. He said he had recently written to the Lord Mayor to request Brisbane City Council’s assistance in improving the intersection.

Mr Vasta said that, working together, the community and all levels of government could get the intersection fixed once and for all.

“Please sign and share my petition—every signature will help strengthen the case for action to fix this notorious intersection,” Mr Vasta said.

The petition can be signed at

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Last week I spoke here on a much-needed infrastructure upgrade in my electorate, the dangerous Lindum Station Crossing intersection which I’m currently running a petition to fix. For years residents have called for a solution all while it’s been kicked around like a political football. Some people have asked why I’m bothering when fixes and funding have been promised many times before, all amounting to nothing.

There’s another major thoroughfare in my electorate that suffered from a lack of funding for years as well. Motorists were clamouring for a solution. Some local representatives put it in the too-hard basket, just as they have with the Lindum Crossing. They said it couldn’t be done. Well at the last election, I fought for and won Federal funding to go toward an upgrade of Green Camp Road between Manly Road and Rickertt Road at Wakerley.

This Federal commitment was matched by Brisbane City Council. Thanks to the efforts of Doboy Ward Councillor Ryan Murphy, Council also committed funding to upgrade the intersection of Green Camp and Tilley Road. Council then sought further Federal funding to upgrade the entire Green Camp Road Corridor. I was happy to help secure this funding, bringing the total Federal commitment to $10 million alongside Council’s $18 million investment.

Once complete, the corridor upgrade will improve safety for road users, improve the reliability of travel times, provide improved facilities for cyclists and pedestrians, and help cater for existing and future traffic demands. Green Camp Road will be widened between Manly Road and Rickertt Road, helping ease congestion at peak times.

Council are now planning and carrying out the project. Over the last year Council has carried out geotechnical investigations and land resumptions. Council is now finalising the detailed design for the project, and has invited construction tenders so that a contractor can be appointed. It’s expected that the successful contractor will be announced in the new few months. Construction is on track to start after the Commonwealth Games in mid-2018, and be completed in mid-2019, weather and construction conditions permitting.

Local residents, businesses and the broader community will be kept updated with more information as the project progresses. I will be providing more details on road closures and construction impacts that can be expected during works once they’re available. Locals can call the BCC Community Hotline on 1800 884 681 for the latest on the upgrade.

I couldn’t possibly have delivered a massive undertaking like this project on my own. Thanks must go to Council—Lord Mayor Quirk, Councillors Adrian Schrinner and Ryan Murphy—as well as my Federal colleagues, Minister for Urban Infrastructure as well as the Member for Bowman. The Commonwealth and Council have come together to make this upgrade a reality. It’s only a matter of time before this happens for the Lindum crossing as well. This is my current priority and I intend to follow through once again for my constituents.

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