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What is a budget? What is superannuation? How do interest rates work? How do you read a payslip? What is a credit score? How to save, invest and live within your means should and must be taught to our children in schools.

That is why I introduced a motion calling on the Federal Government to make Financial Literacy as a compulsory part of the National Curriculum.

Did you know that by 2032, 50% of Queensland’s population will live in Brisbane?

That is just one of the many reasons why we need a tunnel from the Port of Brisbane through to the Inland Rail.

To help get trucks off Brisbane roads, reduce congestion, air and noise pollution for Brisbane locals.

As well as bringing billions of dollars, thousands of jobs and countless of business opportunities to our local, state and national economy.

Fighting for Bonner

Bonner is a great place to live, work and raise a family. A former small business owner, I have lived in Bonner for over 40 years and am now raising my family here. We are blessed to live in a vibrant, multicultural community, with beautiful green space for families to enjoy. I am often asked about my vision for the area and what I want to see in our community.

Whilst I may be biased, and think that Bonner is the best place to live in, there is so much more we can do. That is why I am fighting to make Bonner an even better place to live.