Government moves one step closer to reduced Paid Parental Leave red tape
Small businesses and family enterprises in Bonner are one step closer to reduced red tape with the House of Representatives passing legislation to simplify payments under the Paid Parental Leave scheme.
“The small businesses in Bonner have been unnecessarily bearing the ‘pay clerk’ burden and costs of the extra workload, not to mention restructuring their payroll and accounting systems,” said Ross Vasta the member for Bonner.
“That’s why the Coalition is delivering on its commitment to ease administrative burdens on business by ensuring they no longer have to act as paymaster for the Commonwealth Government’s Paid Parental Leave Scheme unless they choose otherwise.
“Most employers have always been against this added and unnecessary red tape which was introduced by Labor and expressed their opposition during consultations before the scheme started.
“We have listened to the people of Bonner and are committed to getting it right and easing administrative burdens on business.
“We know how hard it can be for new parents to manage their budget after the birth of a child and will deliver a genuine scheme to give mothers six months leave based on their actual wage, rather than being limited to 18 weeks of payment at the national minimum wage.
“The Abbott Coalition Government is getting on with the job of building a stronger economy to help small business and families get ahead and this important move forms part of our commitment to reduce $1 billion of red tape by removing the carbon tax, improving productivity and growth.
“The Coalition will ensure small business has the time and resources to invest in their business success rather than doing the Government’s work,” said Ross Vasta the member for Bonner.