The show must go on in Mt Gravatt

Annual shows in Bonner cancelled because of COVID-19 are about to get a slice of $34 million Australian Government funding to help ensure they can bounce back next year.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said the first payments under the Supporting Agricultural Show and Fields Day program would roll out before Christmas.

“I am very pleased to share with the community the Mt Gravatt Agricultural, Horticultural and Industrial Society is one of the successful recipients, with a funding grant of $32,448,” Mr Vasta said.

“We want to see the Mt Gravatt Show bounce back in 2021 and this funding package is about reimbursing cancellation costs and losses.”

Mr Vasta said the Government wanted to ensure show societies and field day organisers were in the best shape possible to continue next year.

“These events bring our families and farmers together, build community spirit and help bridge the divide between country and city,” Mr Vasta said.

“Our show days are uniquely Australian and also provide huge economic benefits to local communities, as well as the opportunities for the businesses and services who exhibit.”

Mt Gravatt Show Society Secretary Loretta Smith said she was so happy and surprised to receive this federal funding to support the Mt Gravatt Show to continue in 2021.

“So many people in the community, particularly older people who take part in the knitting and cake competitions were so disappointed we didn’t have a show this year,” Ms Smith said.

“It was such a relief for us to get this funding so we can get on with planning the 2021 Mt Gravatt Show.

“We have a lot of commitments with insurance and other things that was just draining our funds so this announcement has been a huge relief.”

Mr Vasta said he was very pleased the Mt Gravatt Show was able to access this funding to help them through this tough period.

“Next year is looking so much brighter and I know this support will be fantastic boost for our volunteers, families and school kids,” Mr Vasta said.

The 2021 Mt Gravatt show is planned for July 24-25.

More information on the Supporting Agricultural Shows and Field Days program is available here.

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I think I’ve talked here about my local campaigns to fix the Lindum Station crossing and the Newnham Road-Wecker Road intersection three or four times this year. I’m happy to say that there have been some very good developments with both campaigns since I launched them last year. My petition to fix the Lindum Station crossing has well over 5,000 signatures now; and my petition to fix the Newnham Road-Wecker Road intersection has well over 1,000 signatures.

I was pleased to have the Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and Population out in Bonner recently to inspect these two black spots. Minister Tudge only had to take one look at the Lindum Station crossing to agree that it’s an accident waiting to happen. He acknowledges that it needs fixing, that it has to be done right, with the state Labor government needing to come to the party along with the Brisbane City Council. I’m hopeful that the Queensland Minister for Transport and Main Roads’ response will be as positive as my constituents’. The state government cannot pass the buck to the Brisbane City Council.

Last week I had a meeting with state member for Lytton, Joan Pease, and I would like to acknowledge her good work in helping to improve the car park at the station and changing the line marking in front of the boom gate. However, the station is still a very dangerous intersection and, with over 1,400 Iona College students needing to cross it every day, a major accident is unfortunately inevitable. I’ve told Ms Pease that I will seek a federal funding contribution, but it’s sad that the buck-passing is continuing. What a shame, but make no mistake: I’ll keep fighting for my constituents.

However, I have more encouraging news on the Newnham Road-Wecker Road intersection. Minister Tudge also agrees with me that a fix is needed, and he put the cost at around $12 million. He said that he’ll be working with the Brisbane City Council and me to investigate a solution to the intersection. It is one of the five worst intersections in the state, according to the RACQ.

My petitions are available on my website, or you can ring my office for paper copies. I want to thank the community for their strong support and say unequivocally: I won’t pass the buck and I won’t let you down. Thank you.

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Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Michael McCormack this week visited the intersection of Newnham Road and Wecker Road to talk with locals and see firsthand the hazards present at the intersection.

Member for Bonner Ross Vasta said his petition to fix the intersection had reached almost 1500 signatures.

“Every day I hear from locals about another crash or near miss at this terrible intersection. I’ve been fighting hard in Canberra for funding and I’ve taken Minister McCormack out to inspect the intersection to see for himself the dangers it poses to commuters,” Mr Vasta said.

Minister McCormack and Mr Vasta stopped by Lorenti’s Fresh Food Market near the intersection to discuss the intersection with owner Carlo Lorenti and other locals.

Mr Lorenti thanked Mr Vasta for taking action and gathering community support to fix the intersection.

“I’ve seen crashes over there. There are accidents just waiting to happen. It’s really worrying, and I’ve got customers here who tell me the same thing,” Mr Lorenti said.

Mr Vasta urged local residents and business owners to sign and share his petition. The petition can be accessed at or by calling 3893 3488.

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Venue – The Newnham Hotel, 516 Newnham Road, Upper Mt Gravatt, 4122

Date & Time – Wednesday, 22nd August 2018, 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Registrations open at 6pm, with dinner served before 7:00pm. please come early to ensure you have the opportunity to network before the meeting begins.

Price – $30 for Members, $40 for Non-Members. REGISTRATIONS OPEN 18th JULY.

Email Enquiries –

Phone Enquiries – 0414 342 087

If you require a special meal, please note this in the Special Requirements section when booking.

We look forward to seeing you! 

The Chamber’s Business Meeting is held every month and is an opportunity to meet and touch base with good friends in the Chamber and to also make some new business acquaintances. 

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The Turnbull Government has announced in the 2018-19 Budget the listing of a life-changing breast cancer medicine on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme that would otherwise cost patients around $71,820 per year.

Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta, who today attended a Breast Cancer Australia afternoon tea held for women undergoing treatment for breast cancer, welcomed the announcement.

Mr Vasta said the Government’s $703.6 million investment will mean more than 3,000 Australian patients with inoperable or metastatic hormone receptor positive breast cancer will benefit from the 1 July 2018 listing of ribociclib (Kisqali®).

“Hormone receptor positive tumours are the most common form of breast cancer and account for most of the deaths from the disease,” Mr Vasta said.

Minister for Health Greg Hunt, who also attended the Breast Cancer Australia afternoon tea, said by inhibiting two proteins that drive the growth of tumour cells, ribociclib—used in combination with other drugs—will slow the progression of inoperable and metastatic breast cancers in some patients.

Mt Gravatt local Dr David Hunt welcomed the Government’s decision.

“As someone who's lost their mother to breast cancer, I think this Budget decision is close to the heart of many families in our nation,” Dr Hunt said.

“I applaud the Government on this decision. I believe it will help many women overcome this disease in Australia.”

The independent Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) recommended the listing of Kisqali.

The Committee is, by law and in practice, independent of Government in its deliberations.  By law the Federal Government cannot list a new medicine without a positive recommendation from this committee.

Mr Vasta said since coming into Government, the Coalition has helped improve the health of Australians by subsidising approximately $9 billion worth of new medicines.

Minister for Health Greg Hunt said the Government’s commitment to the PBS is rock solid. 

“Together with Medicare, it is a foundation of our world-class health care system,” Minister Hunt said.

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Federal Minister for Urban Infrastructure and Cities Paul Fletcher today joined Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta to inspect the intersection of Newnham Road and Wecker Road at Mt Gravatt East.

Mr Vasta recently launched a community petition to fix the intersection that has already gathered hundreds of signatures.

“This is a terrible intersection that needs to be fixed. That’s why I’ve got the Minister here today to see first-hand how dangerous it is here,” Mr Vasta said.

“I’d like to see the Federal Government working with Brisbane City Council to fix this intersection and make sure commuters can travel safely to Bunnings, to the school, or elsewhere in our community.

“I’m fighting hard to ensure this intersection will no longer be a death trap.”

Minister Fletcher said he was pleased to have the chance to visit the intersection with Mr Vasta today and learn more about its congestion problems and accident history.

“There are a number of federal programs under which an upgrade to this intersection could potentially receive funding, including the Black Spot Program and our new $1 billion Urban Congestion Fund,” Minister Fletcher said.

“These are competitive funding programs but I know Ross will be working hard to make the best possible case. I look forward to working with Ross as he does this.”

More information on the Urban Congestion Fund is available at:

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The Brisbane Small Business Expo held in Mt Gravatt today was a huge success, with over 1000 people attending, and over 230 exhibitors showcasing small businesses from across the Brisbane, Gold Coast, and Logan regions.

Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta, who attended with Minister for Small Business the Hon Craig Laundy, said he was proud to have helped bring the Expo to Brisbane for the first time in its seven year history.

“It’s great to have an event like this in Bonner that recognises the outstanding contribution small businesses make to our community, and gives them the opportunity to network and learn other ways to bolster their business,” Mr Vasta said.

“I’m glad to have the Small Business Minister here with me to chat with hard-working small business owners and hear their thoughts on the recent Budget.”

Organiser Paula Brand from Small Business Expos said the event wouldn’t have been possible without Mr Vasta and thanked him for his help.

“The Expo is amazing for businesses and it’s great to have it all happening right in our own backyard,” Mrs Brand said.

Mrs Brand said she hoped to bring the Expo back to the Brisbane region next year, and thanked local businesses for their support.

More information on the Expo can be found here.

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The intersection of Newnham Road and Wecker Road in Mount Gravatt East is notorious. It has recently been named by RACQ as the worst intersection in Brisbane for serious crashes and casualties, and ranks fifth-worst in Queensland.

I've lost count of the number of locals who've told me about their near misses and crashes. Parents who drop off their kids at Mount Gravatt East State School have an appalling time navigating the intersection. Paramedics are being called out far too often.

I've started a petition, and we are demanding action to improve safety at this dangerous black spot. I call on all levels of government to work together on a solution.

I've already written to the Lord Mayor to request Brisbane City Council's assistance in improving the intersection. The petition I started last year to fix Lindum crossing generated huge community support.

I believe upgrading the Newnham and Wecker Road intersection is also important, and it deserves federal funding. Over the weekend, I had a stall at the Mount Gravatt Markets, and it was clear from the conversations I had with locals that this intersection needs to be fixed now.

To sign my petition, visit my website or just drop into my office.

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Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta, today launched a community petition to fix the intersection of Newnham Road and Wecker Road at Mount Gravatt East.

“I’m starting this petition on behalf of local residents and commuters who’ve contacted me about this dangerous intersection,” Mr Vasta said.

“Several people have told me about near misses and crashes they witness at the intersection week after week. Parents who drop off their young children at the school on the corner have a terrible time getting in and out. Paramedics are being called out there far too often. There is a serious issue with people not slowing down when travelling through the area.

“I’ve decided to step in and seek support from all levels of government so everyone can get home to their families quicker and safer.

“I’m asking for the community’s support before someone is killed.”

Mr Vasta said he would be seeking Federal funding to go toward a safety upgrade for the intersection. He said he had recently written to the Lord Mayor to request Brisbane City Council’s assistance in improving the intersection.

Mr Vasta said that, working together, the community and all levels of government could get the intersection fixed once and for all.

“Please sign and share my petition—every signature will help strengthen the case for action to fix this notorious intersection,” Mr Vasta said.

The petition can be signed at

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Members of local police, local school representatives, local community organisations and groups, local business owners, and local council and government representatives today attended the second annual Breakfast of Champions run by PCYC Mt Gravatt.

“The annual Breakfast of Champions is PCYC’s gateway to connect with the decision makers in the community who have the valuable insights and ability to action local solutions,” PCYC Mt Gravatt branch manager Sergeant Gary Penny said.

Sgt Penny posed two questions for attendees:

1. What are the risks and challenges facing the community and those you represent? 

2. What local solutions do you see to overcoming those challenges, and how can we work together to realise them?  

“We are very fortunate at Mt Gravatt to have the support of so many influential members of the community who we can work with collaboratively to develop some achievable outcomes,” Sgt Penny said.

“This morning we’ve had some very positive discussions involving a wide range of topics, some of which we can action through the PCYC with the input and ongoing support of our community partners.”

Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta, said his group discussion had been extremely productive, and that he appreciated the chance to connect with influential members of the community.

“Events like these are a fantastic way to hear about the issues our community faces, to work together on long-lasting solutions, and to establish and strengthen connections in the community so that we can continue to engage in future on these issues,” Mr Vasta said.

Mr Vasta said key issues he had discussed with attendees today included social disconnection experienced by young and elderly people, local crime, and youth unemployment.

“I look forward to working with the fantastic local representatives who came along today and together helping make the Mt Gravatt community an even better place to live, work, study, and volunteer,” Mr Vasta said.

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