South West Metro Basketball awarded funding to better community integration through sport

South West Metro Basketball and home of the Pirates have been awarded $43,305 in Federal funding to support the integration of migrants and multicultural communities.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP emphasised the instrumental role South West Metro Basketball plays in providing a space which brings locals together and supports Australia’s diverse social fabric.

“Thanks to the Morrison Governments Fostering Integration Grants program, South West Metro Basketball will be supporting youth participation through sport. This facility in Mt Gravatt is surrounded by schools, a TAFE and a University, making it a hub for people of different cultures and backgrounds to come together through their shared love of sport,” said Mr Vasta.

“The funding will be put towards a weekly sports program rolled out in various local schools and community organisations. Participants will be mentored and upskilled to become peer leaders and engage with at-risk migrant youth.

“Funding will also see the establishment of a series of basketball carnivals with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) youth where they will learn how to build the skills and confidence to participate in the community and enter the workforce.

“I was very pleased to congratulate the team at South West Metro Basketball who have established themselves as being a safe and welcoming space for everyone in our community. I look forward to seeing how the funding will contribute to stronger community participation of multicultural communities in Bonner.”

South West Metro Basketball General Manager Rob Tankey said, “We really appreciate the opportunity with this grant. It will enable us to get more participants into our structured sport programs and get kids off the streets.

“It’s healthy for them and it will teach them what it means to be a part of a team. We’re really looking forward to getting this out into the community and getting them involved.”

Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, Alex Hawke, said that programs such as this are crucial to building connections and supporting migrants to better participate in Australian social, economic and civil life.

“The Fostering Integration Grant Program is about supporting organisations that work alongside the community and enabling them to better understand and overcome the barriers faced by our multicultural communities.

“Projects that are being funded aim to encourage participation in social, sporting and employment activities that both celebrate our multicultural communities and help migrants to gain valuable skills to be utilised within the community and in the workforce,” said Minister Hawke.

Since 2018, the Government has awarded $11.3 million through the Fostering Integration Grants program to help local community organisations support the integration and social cohesion of migrants and multicultural communities.

Further information on the program, including the successful grants, is available on GrantConnect, the Government’s grant information system:

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Waterloo Bay Hotel awarded funding to cut energy costs

Wynnum’s Waterloo Bay Hotel has been awarded $25,000 in funding from Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP to contribute to a more energy efficient and environmentally friendly business.

Prior to the current lockdown, Mr Vasta met with the Waterloo Bay Hotel’s Group Director Justin Ham and Operations Manager Ailish Harding to congratulate them on this funding thanks to the Morrison Government’s $10.2 million Hotel Energy Uplift Program which supports small and medium hotels improve energy productivity and reduce their carbon footprint.

“This amount of funding is truly game changing for our local small and medium businesses like the Waterloo Bay Hotel, providing lasting energy savings, reducing operating costs and bettering our environment,” said Mr Vasta.

“The hotel has put the funding towards replacing all of the aircon units in their motel rooms, opting for more energy efficient options which will help lower their energy costs and reduce their carbon footprint significantly. These savings will support the creation of new jobs which is essential to securing our national recovery.

“Tourism and hospitality sectors are amongst the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, with funding awarded by the Morrison Government being vital to helping our local operators get back on their feet.”

Waterloo Bay Hotel Operations Manager Ailish Harding said, “What this will do for our hotel is reduce our energy and electricity costs significantly. We are so thankful for being awarded this funding which will help our business greatly.”

“Switching to a clean energy future is about establishing simple and small changes which make a big difference. The changes introduced by the Waterloo Bay Hotel demonstrate conscious decision making to help protect our environment,” said Mr Vasta.

The Hotel Energy Uplift Program was announced in the 2020-21 Budget and is part of the Government’s $1.9 billion investment in new energy technologies which will create new jobs now and into the future, reduce emissions and ensure all Australians have access to reliable and affordable energy.

Hotels, motels and serviced apartments with up to 99 rooms were eligible to receive funding under the program.

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Applications open for businesses in Bonner to help strengthen Australia’s supply chains

Businesses across Bonner are encouraged to apply for the Supply Chain Resilience Initiative grant to help strengthen Australia’s supply chain capabilities and access to critical products in times of crisis.

Applications have now opened for manufacturers– a key part of the Government’s $1.5 billion Modern Manufacturing Strategy.

Matched grants of between $50,000 and $2 million are on offer for local businesses which can help address supply chain vulnerabilities across medicines and agricultural production chemicals –which were identified as sectors of focus in the Sovereign Manufacturing Capability Plan.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said businesses across the electorate with project ideas are encouraged to apply for funding.

“The Morrison Government is working to not only strengthen our ability to access critical products for the health and wellbeing of all Australians, but also to grow our manufacturing sector and create new jobs,” Mr Vasta.

“This initiative enables vital opportunities for businesses in Bonner to be part of important efforts when it comes to shoring up the nation’s supply chains.”

Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, Christian Porter, said projects could include scaling up existing manufacturing and workforce skills capability or increasing supply chain transparency through technology.

“COVID-19 has taught us that we need to be able to have access to critical products in times of crisis and that’s why we’re investing in projects to strengthen our supply chain resilience,” Minister Porter said.

“Our initial analysis identified medicines, agricultural production chemicals – such as fertilisers – and personal protective equipment (PPE) as key sectors of focus.

“The Morrison Government has already worked side-by-side with industry, offering significant investment to scale up Australia’s ability to make PPE locally when we needed it most.

“Now we want to drive the same success for medicines and agricultural production chemicals.”

Investing in manufacturing projects to support our resilience through the $107.2 million Supply Chain Resilience Initiative is part of a range of measures the Morrison Government is delivering to bolster Australia’s supply chain resilience. This includes the establishment of the Office of Supply Chain Resilience to provide ongoing capacity to monitor vulnerabilities and coordinate whole-of-government efforts to boost supply chain resilience. It also includes the Government’s ongoing commitment to open trade and open markets, which drive our resilience by making our own economy more competitive and able to handle change.

To find out more or apply for a grant under the Supply Chain Resilience Initiative visit

To read more in the Sovereign Manufacturing Capability Plan visit

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Lowering energy costs for community groups in Bonner

Community groups across Bonner will be supported by a new Morrison Government program to lower energy costs, support local jobs and help reduce global emissions.

The Powering Communities Program will fund up to 12 projects worth a total of $67,700 in Bonner, with grants of between $5000 and $12,000 available to eligible community organisations, with no co-contribution required.

The grant will assist groups to lower their energy bills by installing solar panels or a battery, upgrading air conditioners, hot water systems or a refrigerator with more efficient models, replacing lighting with LEDs or conducting an energy audit.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said when not-for-profit groups invested in their community, it helped local economies to grow and support local jobs.

“Energy bills are often one of the biggest overheads for not-for-profit organisations,” Mr Vasta said.

“Whether it’s a sports club, a senior citizens club or a charity group, by helping to reduce power bills, the grants will ease the financial pressure these organisations face so they can better focus on meeting the needs of our local community.

“Our community groups have done it tough during COVID-19 and I know this program will help them to do what they do best, which is serve and support the community.”

Mr Vasta said Bonner community groups interested in applying, can submit an expression of interest to his office by April 22, 2021.

The Powering Communities Program will help community groups across Bonner get control of their energy use, while helping to play a part in reducing global emissions and ensure a healthy environment for future generations.

Further information on the program, including eligibility guidelines, is available at or by phoning 13 28 46.

Download an EOI form here:

Powering Communities Program_2021_Qld_Bonner_VastaR

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Extension planned for Minnippi Parklands’ bikeway

An extension of the Minnippi Parklands bikeway is one of 41 projects to benefit from a $40 million Morrison Government funding injection into infrastructure upgrades across the Brisbane region.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said the funding had been delivered to Brisbane City Council through the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Grants.

“This funding will support a year’s worth of employment and support to local businesses and industries around Brisbane,” Mr Vasta said.

“I am very pleased my electorate of Bonner will benefit from this funding injection, with construction of a bikeway through Minnippi Parklands.

“The project will cost around $3.7 million and connect Wynnum Road and Creek Road through the existing bushland reserve.”

Mr Vasta said construction would get underway in mid-2021 and be completed by the end of the year.

“This new bikeway will be up and running by the summer school holidays so it will get plenty of use,” Mr Vasta said.

“Thanks to the Morrison Government, Brisbane City Council will be able to deliver a diverse range of projects across the city, including this project in my electorate of Bonner,” Mr Vasta said.

“These local projects will put money into the pockets of local suppliers and residents, putting a much-needed economic boost to our region.”

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Commemorative grants open

A new year means the opening of the 2021-22 Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program, with applications now welcome from organisations in Bonner.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said the program was entering its 25th year and had already supported thousands of projects nationally, including in Bonner.

“It gives me great pleasure to let the community know that applications for the Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program are now open, as I have seen first-hand the amazing work that results from this grant funding,” Mr Vasta said.

“My electorate of Bonner has a rich military history and each year this community does what it can to ensure we remember those who served and their efforts in defending our nation and its allies.

“This grant has supported some great local projects including the installation of the Armistice Centenary War Memorial at Belmont Shooting Complex, which now allows them to host ANZAC services.

“Commemoration is at the heart of our community, something we see on display each Anzac Day and Remembrance Day, and I encourage organisations to apply for funding through the Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program.”

Mr Vasta said 2020 had an unexpected impact on our community due to the coronavirus.

“So, as we enter into the 2021–22 grant funding year, let’s make sure that we use the support provided by the Saluting Their Service Commemorative Grants Program to carry on the commemorations legacy.”

The Grant Opportunity Guidelines have also been revised for 2021–22, which includes more information around coronavirus support and new opening and closing dates.

For more information, including access to the lasted guidelines and information on how to apply, visit the Community Grants Hub.

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Funding supports women leaders in sport

More women will reach their leadership potential with the Australian Government investing an additional $3.4 million over four years for the highly regarded Women Leaders in Sport (WLIS) program.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said more than 25,000 women across the country had benefited from the initiative since it started in 2002.

“WLIS is helping improve outcomes for Australian women in areas including job creation, workforce participation and leadership,” Mr Vasta said.

The WLIS program is managed by Sport Australia and the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), under a partnership with the Office for Women.

In February, Sport Australia opened grant applications for the WLIS Development Grants and Leadership Workshops, which will provide:

  • Individuals with a grant up to the value of $10,000 to support their professional development,
  • Organisations with a grant up to the value of $20,000 to provide professional development courses to employees, and
  • Opportunities for individuals to undertake online WLIS Leadership Workshops.

Mr Vasta said the WLIS grants would provide women in Australian sport with the opportunity to gain new skills, knowledge and qualifications to progress their leadership journey.

“This program is playing a key role in developing our next female leaders across the industry and ultimately what we want to see is a more balanced workforce that is more representative of our diverse sporting community,” Mr Vasta said.

Eligibility criteria and information on how to apply for the WLIS Development Grants and Leadership Workshops can be found here.

Applications close March 17.

The Program is funded under the Government’s Women’s Leadership and Development Program (WLDP).

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New shade sail couldn’t block the heat from Carina State School’s magazine committee

Carina State School’s journalists in the making had the opportunity to ‘put the heat’ on Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP when he visited to see the new shade sails funded by a $35,000 Morrison Government grant.

Mr Vasta dropped into Carina State School following the completion of the shade sail installation.

“Here I was to see these fantastic new shade sails funded by a $35,297 Community Development Grant, but they couldn’t protect me from the heat of the school’s Magazine Committee,” Mr Vasta said.

“Erika, Mikayla, Safina and Khaow-Too sat me down for an in-depth chat and I was pleased to share stories of why I went into politics and answer all their great questions,” Mr Vasta said.

“When they asked me what advice I had for school captains Liam, Addison, Macey and Sandy who also joined the meeting, I told them leading by example and helping others is what made great leaders.

“The Magazine Committee did a great job asking questions, recording my answers and even organising a photo. I have no doubt I met some future budding journalists.”

Mr Vasta said funding for the new shade sails were announced during the 2019 election campaign, and he was happy to see the project finally completed.

“Unfortunately, construction was delayed this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, however with school back on track the installation is now complete and students have a beautifully shaded quadrangle space to enjoy lunch with their friends,” Mr Vasta said.

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Stronger Communities grant awarded to B4C

Bulimba Creek Catchment (B4C) has received a $5000 Stronger Communities grant to refurbish and improve their Discovery Hub building.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said B4C was a fantastic organisation dedicated to protecting and restoring our natural environment and wildlife.

“Thanks to the Morrison Government’s Stronger Communities Program we have delivered $5000 to assist in the refurbishment of the Discovery Hub which is regularly used by volunteers and the community,” Mr Vasta said.

“Overall, I have delivered more than $110,000 for local environmental projects to B4C and Ocean Crusaders through a number of Community Environment and Stronger Communities grants to help these organisations keep our waterways beautiful.”

Mr Vasta said through the efforts of B4C and Morrison Government’s grants, the health of Bulimba Creek, Brisbane River and Moreton Bay was in good hands.

“I am so passionate about protecting the wildlife and pristine Moreton Bay so many Queenslanders enjoy,” Mr Vasta said.

“From watersports, boating, fishing and local tourism, we need to look after our natural environment and I am pleased to support the local groups committed to doing just that.”

Mr Vasta said the Stronger Communities Program supported projects that deliver social benefits as part of the government’s continuing commitment to strengthen communities across Australia.

“This investment in local projects under the Stronger Communities Program is about invigorating these organisations and ensuring their continued success,” Mr Vasta said.

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$11.7 million boost for job-creating projects in Bonner

Brisbane City Council will be supported as part of the Morrison Government’s $1.8 billion boost for road and community projects to local governments across Australia.

The investment will support local jobs and businesses and boost local economies struggling under the effects of COVID-19.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said the package included the establishment of a new $500 million Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program and brought forward $1.3 billion of the 2020-21 Financial Assistance Grant payment.

Under the Financial Assistance Grant program Brisbane City Council, the local government body in Bonner, will receive $11,710,003.

Mr Vasta said accelerating local infrastructure projects was important for supporting jobs and the local economy in Bonner.

“Every single job we support now makes a huge difference to our local community as we navigate out of the coronavirus pandemic,” Mr Vasta said.

“Not only will this package support local jobs and industries in construction and surveyancing, it will also improve our local roads and deliver much needed community projects.

“I will be working closely with Brisbane City Council to make sure projects get underway to support jobs and businesses as soon as possible.”

The new program is based on the successful Roads to Recovery program and will enable local councils to deliver priority projects with a focus on upgrades and maintenance to local roads and community infrastructure.

As well as delivering new bridges, roads, street lighting and rest areas, a broad range of community infrastructure projects will be eligible including new or upgraded bicycle and walking paths, community facilities, picnic shelters and barbeque facilities at parks.

For more information visit

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