Today I’d like to thank everyone who’s put in a nomination for my Bonner Volunteer Awards. These Awards recognise individuals and groups that have demonstrated outstanding volunteer qualities. They shine a light on people who’ve made a significant and lasting contribution to our community. They commend those who’ve set a good example for fellow volunteers and inspired others to volunteer.

The Bonner Volunteer Awards were a great success last year. This year has been no different with even more nominations coming in. It’s been great to hear so many stories of men and women making a real difference in our community. They all deserve praise and I’d like to recognise their work today.

We’re lucky in Bonner to have many grassroots sports clubs where children of all ages can hone their love and talent for a sport. These clubs depend on the hard work of their volunteers:

• Carindale Juniors AFL Club has grown to over 100 members thanks to many dedicated Bonner parents.

• Their Vice-President Brad Abell has donated hundreds of hours of his time coaching the under-10s, managing the umpires, repairing and maintaining their footy oval, and more.

• David Harvey from Manly West acts as coach, manager, game official, club referee and more for Bayside United Football Club.

• Jason Lavender started as President of Bayside Jets Basketball Club in Carina last year. He stepped up to the plate when former club president Noel Merrick had open heart surgery. He trains the kids every Tuesday night and he’s been getting them results!

There are several other Bonner volunteers who also give their free time to help young people in the community:

• Marian Sheffield volunteers for a number of clubs in the Wynnum-Manly area, including Acacia Bayside Swimming Club and Annette Roselli Dance Academy.

• Michael Lakeman runs the Manly Lota Scouts Group.

• Gloria Guthrie volunteers at Mackenzie State Special School library.

• Jacqueline Park volunteers as a reading tutor at Upper Mount Gravatt State School.

There are also local volunteers who help out our older residents in need:

• Lyn Felschow volunteers at the Holland Park Meals on Wheels, as well as her local church.

• Phil Young assists elderly people at his local Carindale complex.

Then there are volunteers who make a difference for our homeless:

• The Making a Difference Team based in Manly West regularly helps and organises donated items for the homeless or people trying to restart their lives.

• Joseph Dawson is just 14 years old and volunteers every month with the Rosies Friends on the Street program. Joseph is a hard worker who also encourages his friends to get involved with this worthy cause.

Finally there are the volunteers who’ve made a particular mark on our community:

• Linda Pascoe started the Gumdale Hub Facebook page to bring the community together to help fight crime in the area. Linda and the rest of the Gumdale Hub team do a great page running the page.

• Alex Wright from Mansfield is a long-time volunteer also helping protect his community. He’s involved with Volunteer in Policing and Mansfield Neighbourhood Watch. These are just two of the many organisations Alex volunteers with.

• Carindale local Bruce Meers is another life-long volunteer for many local charities and clubs. The list is too long to read here! Bruce has truly changed the lives of so many people young and old over the last 50 years.

Congratulations to these amazing volunteers. I look forward to meeting them at the Bonner Volunteer Awards presentation ceremony tomorrow. I can’t wait to thank them for their service to the community.

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Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta today thanked everyone who has put in nominations for the second annual Bonner Volunteer Awards.

The Bonner Volunteer Awards recognise individuals and groups that have demonstrated outstanding volunteer qualities, made a significant and lasting contribution to the community, and set a good example for fellow volunteers and inspired others to volunteer.

“It’s great to hear about so many dedicated and hard-working volunteers in Bonner, especially during National Volunteer Week this week,” Mr Vasta said.

“These men and women are making a real difference in our community and they all deserve to be recognised.”

Mr Vasta will be presenting this year’s winners with their awards at a special ceremony on 1 June 2018.

Nominees this year include:

• Brad Abell – Vice-President and under-10s coach at Carindale Cougars Junior AFL Club;

• David Harvey – Coach, manager, game official, and club referee at Bayside United Football Club;

• Jason Lavender – President and coach at Bayside Jets Basketball Club in Carina;

• Lyn Felschow – Holland Park Meals on Wheels volunteer and church volunteer;

• Marian Sheffield – Community volunteer for a number of clubs in the Wynnum-Manly area including Acacia Bayside Swimming Club and Annette Roselli Dance Academy;

• Michael Lakeman – Leader at Manly Lota Scouts Group;

• Phil Young – Assists elderly people at local Carindale complex;

• Bruce Meers – Carindale local and life-long volunteer for a number of local charities and clubs;

• Gloria Guthrie – Volunteer at Mackenzie State Special School library;

• Jacqueline Park – Volunteer reading tutor at Upper Mount Gravatt State School;

• John Power – Volunteer at St John Vianney Catholic Parish of Manly and Gumdale;

• Alex Wright – Mansfield local and long-time volunteer for a number of clubs and organisations including Volunteer in Policing and Mansfield Neighbourhood Watch;

• Joseph Dawson – Rosies Friends on the Street volunteer;

• Carindale Cougars JAFL Club – A small, grassroots football club that has grown to over 100 members on the back of many dedicated Bonner parents who volunteer their time with the club;

• Gumdale Hub – Linda Pascoe has brought the community together to fight crime in the area through this local Facebook page;

• Making a Difference Team – This Manly West-based team regularly helps and organises donated items for the homeless or people trying to restart their lives.

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Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta today held a special ceremony to congratulate the recipients of the inaugural Bonner Volunteer Awards and present them with their awards.

“These awards are intended to give thanks to individuals and teams that have demonstrated outstanding volunteer qualities. They recognise volunteers who’ve made a significant and lasting contribution to the community, who’ve set a good example for fellow volunteers and have inspired others to volunteer,” Mr Vasta said.

This year’s winners include:

Mr Allan Tennent (Adult 25 to 64 years) – Allan is part of the Australian Volunteer Coastguard Flotilla (known as Coastguard Brisbane) for over 30 years. He freely gives his own time to teach and mentor others and is committed to his community and crews.

Ms Annie Stonehouse (Adult 25 to 64 years) – Annie is a member of the Rotary Club of Carindale and many more volunteer organisations, including those that support women in need such as Chicks in Pink and The Period Project, and Peter Baines’ Hands Across the Water. Also when she owned the Cupcake Parlour she donated cupcakes to just about every event happening locally.

Mr John Bettenay (Senior 65 years+) – John has been a member of several Queensland Rotary Clubs since 1975 and has held various executive committee positions at both Club and District levels. He joined the Rotary Club of Mt Gravatt in 1996 and has been an active member of the Club and its activities in the local area since that time. He has hosted international exchange students, been a member of the Board of Directors, is current Treasurer for the Mt Gravatt Club (a position which he has held for many years) and always supports the Club's regular fundraising efforts.

Mrs Beryl Acton (Senior 65 years+) – Beryl has been running sewing workshop classes at St Bart’s Anglican Church at Mt Gravatt for the last few years. She also offers to do free mending and alteration work for the Hope Chicks who provide support to vulnerable and disadvantaged women. The Chicks love her sweetness, patience and cheerfulness. She genuinely loves the women and doesn't ever lecture or judge. She pops in from time-to-time, regardless of sewing workshops, to see how everyone is going.

Mr Andrew Walsh (Environmental Work) – Andrew has been actively volunteering and supporting community-based sustainability projects for over 14 years, including partnering Mount Gravatt High School with the Mount Gravatt Environmental Group and Bulimba Creek Catchment committee. He inspires students to care for their local environment and He has tirelessly given his time to work on projects to reclaim and rectify natural flora and fauna habitats and wildlife corridors.

Eastern Group State Emergency Service (Volunteer Team) – Eastern Group SES has a strong presence in the community. It is continuously raising community awareness about being “storm ready” and is also involved in many missing person searches. Its volunteer members continue to turn up to training every week to ensure they maintain the skills required to help out with tarping damaged roofs, sandbagging and temporary flood damage, to ensure they’re ready when the next storm comes.

Mr Kris Webb (Sports Achievement) – Kris is the president of Wynnum Bugs Rugby Club and has spent the last five years rebuilding the club. Thanks to his tireless work with no recognition or reward the Bugs is now enjoyed by hundreds of families and will be enjoyed by everyone for many more years. His actions went above and beyond that of a normal committee member and he is to be commended for saving the Wynnum Bugs Rugby Club from closure.

Mr Zac Pankhurst (Student) – Zac is a Year 10 student at Iona College and is a member of the Ride Against Drugs (RAD) group. He is a great ambassador for other boys of his age and he gives up his time to chat to them and positively influence them to make good choices. He is a great kid and also an amazing BMX rider.

“This year’s winners, and every person and group that was nominated this year, should be proud of their achievement. It’s a testament to their hard work and dedication as a volunteer and I’d personally like to thank them for the positive difference they’re making in our local community,” Mr Vasta said.

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Today I’d like to discuss the important contribution volunteers make in Bonner. I’d also like to talk about the first annual Bonner Volunteer Awards which is starting soon.

I’ve met many exceptional volunteers over the years. These men and women freely give up their time and energy to make their community a better place. They improve our schools, clean up our environment, provide a boost to emergency and health services, and help keep vital community organisations running. They give a helping hand to people in need. They’re amazing role models. And they do it all without asking for anything in return, except the knowledge they’re making a difference.

I have nothing but respect for the many thousands of volunteers all across Australia. This year I wanted to do my part to thank outstanding volunteers and volunteer groups in my electorate.

I’m now pleased to announce the Bonner Volunteer Awards. These awards will give thanks to individuals and teams that have demonstrated outstanding volunteer qualities. They will recognise volunteers who’ve made a significant and lasting contribution to the community, who’ve set a good example for fellow volunteers and inspired others to volunteer.

My office will be taking nominations from February 27 to March 17. I’ve selected a panel of three community representatives to choose the winners, who’ll be presented their awards on March 31. I can’t wait to hear the stories of Bonner’s exceptional volunteers and thank them for their service.

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Applications are now open to nominate a worthy serviceman or woman for a Certificate of Appreciation under the Government’s Saluting Their Service Commemorations Program, Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta said today.

“Certificates of Appreciation are a way of expressing the nation’s gratitude to those who served in the defence forces or on the home front in the Second World War, or in wars, conflicts and peace operations overseas since the Second World War,” Mr Vasta said.

Certificates of Appreciation are available to those who contributed to Australia’s efforts in the following conflicts and events:

• Second World War, for service in the Australian armed forces or on the home front;
• British Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF) Japan;
• Korean War;
• Malayan Emergency;
• Indonesian Confrontation;
• Vietnam War;
• Gulf War;
• Iraq War; 
• War in Afghanistan; and
• Peace Operations.

Veterans and those who served in the wars, conflicts and peace operations for which certificates are available, as well as family members of deceased eligible persons, can apply for Certificates of Appreciation.

Application forms are available from Ross Vasta’s office, DVA offices or can be downloaded from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs website at (click on Topics and select Certificate of Appreciation forms).

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Nominate now for the 2015 National Youth Awards

Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta, today encouraged young people in the community to nominate for the 2015 National Youth Awards.

“This is the third annual series of the Awards, which celebrate the achievements and contributions of young Australians aged 12 to 25,” Mr Vasta said.

“I urge those thinking about nominating to act now.”

Mr Vasta said it was important to celebrate the achievements of young people who are making a lasting, positive difference in their communities.

“Young Australians are doing this every day by volunteering in their local communities, and they deserve to be recognised for the valuable contribution they are making to their local communities,” Mr Vasta said.

“If you know a remarkable young Australian, I strongly encourage you to get involved by logging onto the National Youth Week website and nominating them.”

There are seven Award categories, six of which recognise individuals, and a media award that celebrates positive news reporting about young people in Australia. 

The Award categories are:

– Youth Safety Award;
– Youth Courage Award;
– Youth Culture and Diversity Award;
– Youth Employment Award;
– Youth Health Award;
– Youth Leadership Award; and
– Youth in Media Award. 

Each of the six individual category winners will receive $2,000, a trophy, and a certificate, while the winner of the Youth in Media Award will receive a trophy and certificate.

The Awards are for young people aged 12 to 25 (with the exception of the Youth in Media Award) and applicants can be self-nominated or nominated by someone else.

Applications for the 2015 National Youth Awards close on Thursday, 27 November 2014. 

More information on the National Youth Awards, including entry forms and details of past winners and finalists, is available at


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Honouring our disabled community at the 2014 Special Care Central Recognition Awards

Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta, today said it was an honour to present at SpecialCare Central’s 2014 Recognition Awards on Friday, 12 September.

 “These awards recognise the hard work and achievements of worthy members of our community who have a disability, as well as businesses that employ people with a disability,” Mr Vasta said.

 “SpecialCare Central is to be commended for their excellent Disability Awareness and Opportunity Expo this year, which was their sixth annual event.”

 “Every year, the Expo brings together members of our community to offer support and recognition to those living with a disability.”

 The team at SpecialCare Central said they felt the Recognition Awards were the highlight of the Expo.

 “We are blessed to have the opportunity to acknowledge the wonderful people that make up our community,” Yvonne Campbell, organiser of the Expo, said.

 Ross Vasta said he was touched by the story of Ronald Sheehey, who has autism and who currently works as a kitchen hand for Greenmeadow Court, one of the Nominee Certificate recipients for Best Employer.

“Ronald once lacked confidence, and was quite shy and withdrawn – now through his work at Greenmeadow Court, he has gained the confidence to catch public transport to and from work, and has recently passed his Provisional Driver Licence exam,” Mr Vasta said.

 “It was wonderful to see employers like Greenmeadow Court, who have given so much support to their disabled employees, receiving the recognition they deserve.”

 “I look forward to hearing more from the award winners in future, as well as seeing more of the great work SpecialCare Central does for our disabled community.”

 To see more photos of the Expo and to read more about the event, visit

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