Morrison Government support for families and childcare services hit by floods in Queensland and New South Wales
Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said support was available to local families affected by severe flooding in large areas of South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales.
“This is a difficult time for families in the Bonner electorate, but emergency support is now available, including for families with children in childcare,” Mr Vasta said.
“Assistance is available to help families and childcare services manage during the immediate flood emergency period and the recovery phase to come.”
Acting Minister for Education and Youth, Stuart Robert MP, said families in affected areas should be aware that children have 52 allowable absence day from childcare this financial year.
“The number of allowable absence days was increased due to COVID-19, but they can be used for any reason including the current flood emergency,” Minister Robert said.
“Importantly, childcare services can continue to receive Child Care Subsidy (CCS) while they are closed during a local emergency.
“Flood-affected families, including those whose home have been destroyed or badly damaged, may also be eligible for extra help with the cost of child care through the Additional Child Care Subsidy (temporary financial hardship). Families must apply directly to Centrelink.”
Minister for Regionalisation, Regional Communications and Regional Education, Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie, said childcare services facing financial viability issues or closure due to the floods could also apply for a Special Circumstances grant.
“Community Child Care Fund Special Circumstances Grants are available to approved services that operate in, or provide care for, disadvantaged and vulnerable communities,” Minister McKenzie said.
“We will continue to closely monitor the flood emergency and Commonwealth assistance may be extended to other local government areas.”
Ross Vasta MP welcomed the Government’s swift response and commitment of disaster assistance to affected local families.
“The Government has activated the Disaster Recovery Payment of $1000 per eligible adult and $400 per eligible child to support people in impacted local government areas,’ Mr Vasta said.
“The Disaster Recovery Payment is a one-off, non-means tested payment and is available to eligible people in those affected local government areas who have suffered a significant loss, including a severely damaged or destroyed home or serious injury.”
For more information on the targeted support available to child care providers, services and families in the event of a local emergency visit:
The Australian Government provides a range of payments and services to individuals affected by a major disaster. For more information visit: