Volunteer grant delivers cricket scorers a ‘cool’ upgrade

Cricket scorers at the Wynnum Manly District Cricket Club (WMDCC) will no longer be sitting in a sauna thanks to a $5000 Morrison Government Volunteer grant.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said the club would upgrade the scorer’s room with new furniture, air conditioning and proper scoring devices to make volunteers much more comfortable.

“Cricket is a summer sport and during those hot Queensland days the volunteer cricket scorers often sit in a sweltering scorer’s room,” Mr Vasta said.

“Volunteers at WMDCC give many hours of their time to the club and in return for this commitment, the club wanted to make the time spent volunteering as comfortable as possible for them.

“Currently scorers use personal devices to score games in a hot room sitting on furniture in a state of disrepair, but thanks to a $5000 volunteer grant, that’s all about to change.”

Mr Vasta said while the work of volunteers was unpaid, their efforts did not go unrecognised.

“From fighting bushfires, delivering food to vulnerable Australians in isolation and helping out with the weekend sport, they are all local champions,” Mr Vasta said.

“Their contribution is vital to ensuring that we continue to support families, provide employment pathways for young people and strengthen community resilience.”

Nationally, volunteering has an estimated annual economic and social contribution of $290 billion.

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Volunteer grants now open in Bonner

Volunteers are the lifeblood of local communities and to further support the work they do local community groups can apply now for a Morrison Government Volunteer Grant.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said $66,000 in funding was available for his electorate and he encouraged eligible community groups to apply.

“Volunteering adds social and economic benefits to our region such as increased confidence and skill development, which is why I am pleased to offer these grants to further support Bonner’s volunteers,” Mr Vasta said.

“The grants form part of the Morrison Government’s commitment to supporting organisations whose volunteers assist in our communities and encourage the inclusion of vulnerable people in our society.

“My office will liaise with community leaders and relevant committees to identify priority volunteer support for our local area.

Mr Vasta said the grants could be used to buy small equipment for volunteers or for the reimbursement of volunteer fuel, transport or training costs. “Community groups can apply for grants between $1000 and $5000,” Mr Vasta said.

Each Federal Member of Parliament is able to nominate organisations to apply for funding in their electorate between now and 28 January 2020.

The Department of Social Services will then send an application form to nominated organisations to apply for funding in February 2020.

Successful applicants will be announced in May 2020.

For more information about the grants, please go to the Government’s GrantConnect website at www.grants.gov.au

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