Stage 2 Lindum Crossing upgrades underway

With stage one safety upgrades completed to the Lindum level crossing, work has begun on Stage two upgrades to improve safety for motorists, pedestrians, and commuters.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said since securing the $85 million Federal Funding for this project in 2019, he had been working with the state and local council to move forward with vital safety improvements.

“I’ve been fighting for this upgrade since 2017 when over 7000 locals in Bonner signed my petition to fix Lindum crossing,” Mr Vasta said.

“Sadly, we have lost too many lives at this dangerous level crossing, and while stage one safety improvements are completed thanks to $1 million from our $85 million, I am very pleased work on stage two is now underway.”

Mr Vasta said the immediate safety upgrade to Lindum crossing included the installation of new and extended median islands, as well as new on-road line markings and resurfacing.

“The second stage utilises $10 million of our government’s $85 million commitment and involves realigning and signalising the intersection at the level crossing,” Mr Vasta said.

“I will continue to work with all levels of government and deliver on my commitment to the people of Bonner to fix Lindum crossing and provide an upgrade that safely caters for commuters, school children, business, bike riders and pedestrians.”

More information on stage one and two Lindum safety upgrade works is available here.

In addition to the Federal Government’s commitment, Brisbane City Council and the Queensland Government have each committed $5 million to stage two of the project.

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Roads to Recovery funding in Bonner

Local road maintenance in Bonner will receive a boost thanks to funding under the Australian Government’s Roads to Recovery Program.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said the Australian Government would deliver over $171.1 million to 344 local government authorities nationwide for safer and better-maintained roads.

“The Roads to Recovery funding in Bonner will allow councils across the area to progress a number of high-priority projects, using local knowledge to deliver the best local roads,” Mr Vasta said.

“The Australian Government is committed to getting Australians home sooner and safer, no matter where they live.”

This payment includes the final instalment of the Government’s $138.9 million additional funding for the 128 Local Government Areas eligible for the Drought Communities Program Extension.

Brisbane City Council received $3 million under the program which was used to upgrade Player Street in Bonner.

The project included extending Player Street to provide a connection with Kessells Road in Upper Mt Gravatt to improve safety access.

Assistant Minister to the Deputy Prime Minister Kevin Hogan said the Australian Government has committed an additional $100 million per year to the Roads to Recovery Program from 2019–20, as part of the Local and State Government Road Safety Package announced in the 2019–20 Budget.

“From 2013–14 to 2023–24, the Government will provide $6.2 billion under the Roads to Recovery Program, with an ongoing commitment of $500 million each year following,” Mr Hogan said.

“We are investing in infrastructure nationwide in order to lay the foundations for economic recovery following the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Assisting local councils to maintain and improve roads under their jurisdiction is a big part of that, which is why we have also funded a new $1.5 billion Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program and brought forward $1.3 billion of the 2020–21 Financial Assistance Grant payment.”

Mr Hogan said Roads to Recovery investments deliver safer roads in local government areas throughout the country.

“In order to meet the anticipated strong demand for Roads to Recovery for 2020–21, the Australian Government has brought forward $22.75 million to be available to councils to claim this financial year, for a total of $592.18 million in 2020–21,” Mr Hogan said.

“The Australian Government supports local governments to provide vital infrastructure and services through a range of programs.

“This support includes Financial Assistance Grants and the Bridges Renewal, Black Spot, Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity and Roads to Recovery programs.”

More information on these programs is available at

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$11.7 million boost for job-creating projects in Bonner

Brisbane City Council will be supported as part of the Morrison Government’s $1.8 billion boost for road and community projects to local governments across Australia.

The investment will support local jobs and businesses and boost local economies struggling under the effects of COVID-19.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said the package included the establishment of a new $500 million Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program and brought forward $1.3 billion of the 2020-21 Financial Assistance Grant payment.

Under the Financial Assistance Grant program Brisbane City Council, the local government body in Bonner, will receive $11,710,003.

Mr Vasta said accelerating local infrastructure projects was important for supporting jobs and the local economy in Bonner.

“Every single job we support now makes a huge difference to our local community as we navigate out of the coronavirus pandemic,” Mr Vasta said.

“Not only will this package support local jobs and industries in construction and surveyancing, it will also improve our local roads and deliver much needed community projects.

“I will be working closely with Brisbane City Council to make sure projects get underway to support jobs and businesses as soon as possible.”

The new program is based on the successful Roads to Recovery program and will enable local councils to deliver priority projects with a focus on upgrades and maintenance to local roads and community infrastructure.

As well as delivering new bridges, roads, street lighting and rest areas, a broad range of community infrastructure projects will be eligible including new or upgraded bicycle and walking paths, community facilities, picnic shelters and barbeque facilities at parks.

For more information visit

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$905,000 to fix Belmont intersection

The dangerous London and Stanbrough roads intersection in Belmont will get a much needed safety upgrade thanks to the Morrison Government’s Black Spot Program.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said he had delivered $905,000 to upgrade the black spot intersection to help commuters in his electorate get home safer and sooner.

“We’ve seen some nasty accidents at the London and Stanbrough roads intersection in the past,” Mr Vasta said.

“I’ve been working with Cr Murphy to ensure we can deliver this project with Brisbane City Council’s support to provide road users with a safe intersection, which can get quite busy around the peak hour commute.”

Mr Vasta said the Morrison Government’s Black Spot Program would reduce accidents and injuries by an estimated 30 percent across Queensland.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said Queensland would receive $25.3 million over two years under the latest round of program funding.

“The Federal Government’s record investment into upgrading roads is saving lives right across the nation,” Mr McCormack said.

Brisbane City Councillor Ryan Murphy (Chandler Ward) said the intersection was well known to motorists for its difficult navigation.

“This intersection is notorious, we’ve had fatalities here in the past,” Cr Murphy said.

“The Black Spot funding Brisbane City Council will be receiving will go a long way to make this intersection safe for motorist.”

The Black Spot Program upgrade for the London and Stanbrough road intersection includes:

  • Installation of splitter islands
  • Re-surfacing, kerbing and channelling
  • Re-grading
  • Upgrade to traffic signs and line markings
  • Installation of pedestrian refuges

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The Federal Government has committed $10 million to Brisbane City Council’s upgrade of Green Camp Road, Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta said today.
This funding will add to Brisbane City Council’s $18 million investment for the upgrade, with works expected to commence next year.
“The Rickertt Rd-Green Camp Rd intersection is currently plagued by traffic congestion with long queues during peak periods,” Mr Vasta said.
“This project will include road widening and intersection upgrades along the Green Camp Road corridor, reducing peak-hour queues and increasing safety for commuters between Redland City and Brisbane.”
“I thank Lord Mayor Graham Quirk and local Councillors Adrian Schrinner and Ryan Murphy, for funding this vital upgrade,” Mr Vasta said.
“I also thank my colleague, Member for Bowman, Andrew Laming, for his advocacy on behalf of Redland residents which together has allowed us to secure the Federal Government’s contribution to this project.”

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