Category: Endorsements

Jake and Leonie Smith – Local Bonner Family

The NDIS has made an incredible difference in the life of our family and I can’t thank Ross and the Coalition Government enough for the fully funded program that they have provided to us.

Our daughter Abigail is now able to access Occupational therapy and Speech therapy sessions that have had an incredibly positive impact on both her behaviour and quality of life. She is communicating more effectively, and learning more efficiently.

Previously there were very limited opportunities for her to socialise or enjoy getting out of the house. Now we are seeing an ever increasing amount of quality options being created by caring people and organisations empowered by the NDIS. Thank you so much Ross Vasta and team Scomo.

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Lisa Farnik – Local resident

The unwavering contribution Ross Vasta continually makes for the Electorate of Bonner is inspiring. I have lived in this electorate for nearly thirty years and it is refreshing to see how much Ross actually cares about the people in this electorate and is extremely passionate about getting things done.

This is evidenced by the spending on local schools, parks, roads, community projects and now a much needed bulk billed MRI Scan facility at Carindale.

With the increase in aged care facilities and the population growing in our neck of the woods the bulk billed MRI Scan will assist many families who require this expensive service.  Again Ross, Well done for the action man and can do approach to our community.

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Michelle and Jessica Kelly – Local Mum and Daughter

We would like to thank Ross for his time and consistent support. Having the opportunity to enter Mr Vasta’s Commonwealth Games Banner competition was a huge deal for Jessica. When Mr Vasta announced her as the winner it was magical to see the boost in her confidence and self pride and as a mum that is invaluable. We want to thank Ross again for this opportunity and what it has given to Jessica.

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Charles Hock – Wynnum Local

It is certainly a huge achievement that Ross Vasta has secured funding to fix the awful Lindum Crossing intersection.

My wife and I have lived in the area for more than 14 years, we know just how bad this intersection can be and it’s only bound to get worse.

I met with Ross more than a year ago and he has been passionately fighting to fix this crossing for a long time.

Thank you Mr Vasta for starting the process to fix this intersection it means a lot to the local residents in Wynnum west.

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Vincent Gatt – Local pensioner

It is thanks to the efforts of Ross Vasta and his persistence to fix our ongoing issue. My wife Erica and I are genuinely grateful that he was able to represent us and get such a positive outcome on behalf of my family.

We are also very impressed that while it has been a struggle for us, Ross took the time to listen to me and brought about an end to all of that in less than 48hrs. He is a great local representative and I would have no issues calling him again if i needed assistance.

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Peter and Bev Salisbury – Manly residents

Mr Vasta is a genuinely good man. He is a family man with good values and he is always willing to help anyone anywhere he can. No matter what is happening he always has a smile on his face and kindness in his heart. There is no one else who could represent Bonner like he does.

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Tricia and Rex Tully – Mt Gravatt residents

Ross Vasta is an amazing Federal Member of Parliament. He is always approachable, he listens and he takes his position as our representative in Canberra very seriously.

We recently had an issue with our phone and Ross went out of his way immediately to help us and had it fixed in a matter of days without any trouble.

I don’t know what we would do if it wasn’t for Ross, he’s fabulous!

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Kieran Jefferies – Wynnum Small Business Owner

Earlier this year I asked Ross Vasta to attend a meeting with myself from KJ&P, local Mortgage Brokers, Solicitors and Real Estate Agents to discuss the changes and recommendations of the Banking royal Commission. Almost 40 business owners happily attended and listened to Ross and the Coalition’s plan to support our industries.

I have known Ross for decades, and I believe that Ross and the Federal Government have listened to the businesses in the Bonner electorate.

I’m pleased to know that the Coalition Government is supportive of small business and is supporting local business owners by working with us on the Banking Royal Commissions recommendations.

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Ian Lipke – Local Pensioner

I needed Ross with a telecommunications issue and he immediately stepped up to the plate with no hesitation.

Ross was very willing to help me and did not back away until both he and I were completely satisfied. I fully support Mr Vasta and the work he does in Bonner.

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