Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta, today said the launch of the Australian Government’s ‘An invitation that could save your life’ will boost screening awareness in at risk groups. 

Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer-related deaths among women in Australia, however if detected early and managed nine-out-of-10 cases can be successfully treated.

Mr Vasta said all Australian women aged 50 to 74 will receive an invitation that could save their life as part of a $55.7 million initiative.

“This campaign also marked the first time Australian women aged 70 to 74 have been specifically targeted for breast screening awareness, with an additional 220,000 breast screens expected to be delivered over four years as a direct result,” Mr Vasta said.

“I encourage all women in Bonner aged between 50 and 74 to make a breast screening appointment as we know the more Australian women who are screened, the more cancers that are detected. It’s an invitation that could save your life.”

The additional screening delivered as a result of the campaign could potentially lead to the detection of an extra 600 breast cancers across Australia a year.

More than 1.8 million women are screened every two years and more than 75 per cent of breast cancers occur in women over 50. Most women who get breast cancer also have no family history.  

The ‘An invitation that could save your life’ campaign will run across print, radio and online media to make sure women who receive a breast screen invitation in the mail are aware of its importance. 

The Abbott Government’s $55 million commitment will cover the cost of the promotional campaign, as well as the cost of additional invitations and free breast screenings generated as a result.

Women aged outside of the 50 to 74 age group are encouraged to talk to their GP or health professional to find out if breast screening is appropriate for them. For further information, please visit

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