2019 organ donation outcomes released

Newly released organ donation outcomes showed organ transplants saved the lives of 1683 Australians last year from 787 organ donors.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said data released by the Organ and Tissue Authority showed innovative programs between countries had given patients a second chance.

“The Australian and New Zealand Kidney Exchange Program provided 49 out of the 239 living kidney transplants to occur in 2019,” Mr Vasta said.

“Exchange programs like this allows residents of either country to have access to vital life-saving transplants and expands the availability of viable organs and donors.”

The 2019 data also showed a decrease in organ donations if families of a potential donor were not aware of a loved one’s wishes about organ donation.

“Nine out of 10 families agree to a donation when their loved-one is registered on the Australian Organ Donor Register,” Mr Vasta said.

“The rate falls to six out of 10 when families are unaware of the potential donor’s wishes about organ donation.

“It is important to talk to family and friends about what you want to do with your organs if one day you’re not able to make that decision.

“The best thing Australians can do is jump online and join to Donor Register to help save lives.”

For more information visit www.donatelife.gov.au.