Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta has today announced that a re-elected Morrison Government will provide $350,000 to provide an all-inclusive playground for years 4,5, and 6 at Wishart State School.

Mr Vasta said the rapidly growing school is in need of another playground on site and this funding will enable them to build its very first senior playground.

“In the past few years the enrolment numbers have increased by more than 200 students and this playground is desperately needed to cope with the additional intake and the growing senior years.”

“The playground will encapsulate the natural beauty of the school and it will be an all abilities playground for all senior students to use with specialty equipment for the students with special needs.”

“The playground will feature bushfood, trees, climbing and balancing equipment and it will incorporate the natural landscape and build on the already established playground.”

Andy and Ruth Boyle from Wishart said that this playground will be great for the students and the community.

“We’re thrilled to hear about Ross Vasta’s commitment to build a new playground for the Wishart State School seniors. Both of our children attend this school and we know that this facility will be a welcome improvement to an already great school.”

Mr Vasta said delivering this playground for the school and its community is a key priority for the LNP because of the significant benefits that it will provide to the school community and local community and sporting groups.

Mr Vasta said that this was important infrastructure that can only be delivered to the local community becomes of the Liberal National Government’s economic management.

“Only the Liberals and Nationals have a proven track record when it comes to managing the Budget,” Mr Vasta said.

“By paying down debt and growing the economy, we can afford to deliver funding for priorities in local communities such as Wishart State School.

The LNP government is providing record funding for all 28 government schools in Bonner, including Wishart State School, and funding will continue to increase by around 50% per student over the next decade to 2029.

Mr Vasta said this was all at risk under Labor.

“This is all at risk under Labor and Bill Shorten who pose the greatest risk to Australia’s economy in a generation with plans for $387 billion in new taxes on small and family businesses, retirees, housing, income, investments, electricity and cars.

“Labor would put at risk Australia’s 27 years of consecutive economic growth.”

Mr Vasta said this year’s Federal Budget delivered Australia’s first surplus in more than a decade.

“The surplus guarantees funding for the essential services that you and your family need and rely on,” Mr Vasta said.

“This includes record funding for schools, hospitals, medicines and roads.”