NEW legislation introduced into Federal Parliament will provide better recognition of the unique nature of military service and further acknowledge the service and sacrifice of veterans and their families.

The Government’s Australian Veterans’ Recognition (Putting Veterans and their Families First) Bill 2019 will establish an Australian Defence Veterans’ Covenant, and as part of a wider recognition package, a card and lapel pin will be provided to veterans.

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Darren Chester and Ross Vasta Member for Bonner said the Government is committed to putting veterans and their families first and this legislation is part of a greater suite of measures being put in place.

“The Government has introduced legislation to provide a formal way for all Australians to show their appreciation to the men and women who secured the freedoms we enjoy today and to their families who have supported them,” Mr Chester said.

Mr Vasta said he was a strong supporter of the initiative and what it meant for veterans and their families in their local community.

“The covenant, card and lapel pin will provide the community of Bonner the opportunity to recognise the service and sacrifice of the men and women who have served our nation,” Mr Vasta said.

“Included in the covenant is an oath, which all Australians will be encouraged to take at community commemorative events and is underpinned by the new Veteran Card and an Australian Veteran Lapel Pin and a Reservist Lapel Pin.

“I encourage all those in Bonner to play their part in recognising and respecting those who have served.”

This Bill will create a separate Act to provide symbolic recognition for all veterans and includes an important overarching statement requiring the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) to adopt a

beneficial approach when interpreting legislation and applying a fair, just and consistent approach to veterans’ claims.

More information on the Australian Defence Veterans Covenant can be found on the DVA website