National Child Protection Week

Thank you, Deputy Speaker.

One of the most important responsibilities I have as a father, and member of Parliament, is to ensure the next generation grows up knowing they are safe, valued and supported.

Last week, thousands of organisations rallied behind National Child Protection Week.

As a dad, there is nothing more terrifying than the thought of something happening to one of my boys.

For Bruce and Denise Morcombe, this fear became reality when their 13-year-old son Daniel was abducted and murdered.

As many Australians know, Daniel was simply waiting at a bus stop in Queensland, on his way to buy Christmas presents for his family.

Following this unthinkable day, Bruce and Denise, in the midst of their grief, saw an opportunity to make a difference.

Together, they started the Daniel Morcombe Foundation to educate other children on how to stay safe.

National Child Protection Week is not only about responding to the current issue but also proactively equipping children with the confidence to recognise and escape unsafe situations.

For the last eight years, the Daniel Morcombe Foundation has helped keep kids safe through the ‘Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson’ initiative.

This year’s lesson was live-streamed across Australia, from Manly State School in my electorate of Bonner!

The biggest safety lesson provides an easy way for teachers, parents, and carers to confidently discuss enthusiastic and affirmative consent.

What does this mean?

It means teaching our kids the importance of not crossing or blurring boundaries, and ensuring that consent is always truly, freely, clearly and whole-heartedly given.

It was awesome to see this event live-streamed from Bonner, to hundreds of thousands of students across Australia.

Thank you to our hosts – Koko and Fynn – for keeping us informed and engaged.

Remember, always ask for consent, and wait for enthusiastic and affirmative confirmation.

I’d also like to acknowledge David Crisafulli, and Queensland LNP opposition who, yesterday, standing alongside Bruce and Denise, committed to establishing a public sex offender register.

Named ‘Daniel’s Law’, this register is a tangible step toward making our community safer.

Lastly, thank you to Bruce and Denise, for your continued advocacy and commitment to helping our kids stay safe.

By teaching our young ones the skills needed to recognise, react and report unsafe situations, the Daniel Morcombe Foundation has not only become a powerful symbol of hope but undoubtedly saved lives.

While nothing will bring Daniel back, Bruce and Denise have courageously turned a tragedy into a powerful platform to raise awareness and bring change.

It was an honour to be part of last week’s Australia’s Biggest Child Safety Lesson and I look forward to continuing to work with this driven team.