Bonner Mental Health – Bayside Mental Health Working Group Update | Ross Vasta MP
I am pleased to update the House that we are keeping up the momentum with my plan to deliver more mental health services on the bayside of my electorate of Bonner. The last time I spoke on this subject was in July after convening the Bayside Mental Health Working Group, which was attended by local mental health and community providers. My aim was to bring these important voices together and start a conversation around the services that locals are calling for.
Since then, meaningful progress has been made, and I’ve met with the Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, the Hon. David Coleman, who has provided his support. I have also been meeting regularly with Brisbane South PHN to determine how we can fill the gaps. After being made aware of a mental health plan, they have been working alongside Feros Care.
With the intention for it to be tailored to the youth of the bayside, last week I reconvened the working group. Over 20 local mental health experts and community providers heard from Brisbane South PHN and Feros Care, who presented this early intervention and prevention approach.
Young people are the largest cohort of Australians experiencing problematic loneliness. Social connections are the greatest protection against depression and are proven to reduce suicidal behaviour. That’s why responding to it by delivering accessible support services is of great urgency. The mental health of our community cannot be underestimated. I look forward to continuing to work with Brisbane South PHN and Brisbane’s Bayside Mental Health Working Group.