Statements by Members: Kerr, Mr Graham

I rise today to speak about heroes-not typical heroes like sporting identities or celebrities, but everyday heroes we can all learn so much from. Graham Kerr is the hero I speak of today. Graham is a man who has surmounted a monumental setback in his life. He has risen above it, integrated into our society and given so much back to our community. Graham is a quadriplegic with no movement from his neck down and has been so since a tragic sporting accident at the age of 24 in 1980.
I came to know Graham through his thoughtful and measured correspondence with me when I was elected to office. I was immensely impressed by his unending passion for the welfare of others. Today I pay tribute to his fighting spirit and amazing reservoir of strength. He is an example to all of us to never give up and never give in, even in the face of overwhelming odds. Graham, you never stop championing the welfare of others. You give so much and you have taught me so much. I thank you and salute you. You are a true hero.

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