Men’s Shed grants now open

Bonner’s local Men’s Sheds can now apply for funding as part of the latest round of the National Men’s Shed Development Program (NSDP), with priority given on applications with a strong focus on health, wellbeing and safety.

Federal Member for Bonner Ross Vasta MP said in acknowledgement of the impact COVID-19 has had on the community, the grants would be used to help local Men’s Shed groups during their recovery and help facilitate increased connectivity amongst shedders.

“I strongly encourage the Men’s Shed groups in Bonner to apply for this grant to support the great work they already do,” Mr Vasta said.

“Now more than ever, Men’s Sheds offer men a critical avenue for social support and engagement. They have become a focal point for the Bonner community and encourage men to stay healthy, socialise and do regular activities in good company.

“This funding can help our Sheds deliver programs with a strong health, wellbeing or safety focus and I urge all local Sheds to apply.”

Men’s Sheds can apply for financial support across the following funding categories:

  • Category 1: Health, Wellbeing, and Events $8,000 maximum
  • Category 2: Shed Improvements $8,000 maximum
  • Category 3: Equipment $5,000 maximum

Minister for Health Greg Hunt MP said Men’s Sheds were vital in providing a safe space for men to talk and work on meaningful projects.

“This new funding round will provide financial support to assist in both setting up and maintaining Men’s Sheds across Australia,” Minister Hunt said

Since 2013, the Coalition Government has provided $5.4 million to support Men’s Sheds across Australia.

Applications for the current funding round close Friday 27 November. For more information, visit

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Men’s Shed Life Week to combat loneliness

Men’s Shed is celebrating Shed Life Week at four locations across the Bonner electorate to encourage men from all walks of life to build and create together.

With over a thousand locations across Australia, Men Shed aims to be a creative space to combat isolation and loneliness as well as reduce preventable mental health issues.

“Bonner is home to four Men Sheds that do amazing work to foster a sense of community for men of all ages to build and create with the latest shed tools,” Mr Vasta said.

“They’re also a place men can come together to openly talk about import issues relating to their physical and mental health shoulder-to-shoulder.

“Originating in Toowoomba, Men’s Shed has gained momentum world wide breaking the stigma around masculinity and to semi-retired to retired men on the same page about their issues.”

Shed Life Week encourages members to showcase their craftsmanship from around the world, open their doors to new members and promote talking about issues that matter to men’s health.

To find out how you can get involved with your local Men’s Shed visit:

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