Delivering on My Plan for Bonner


I’ve been a local resident of Bonner for over four decades, I’ve attended school here, started a small business and now raising my own family here.

Over the past three years we have faced significant challenges, the pandemic and more recently the flood. But when those challenges have arisen we have delivered.

I’m dedicated to our community and I’m proud to be delivering on my local plan for the area, including our flood recovery plan to help our community come back stronger.

As your Federal MP I have been working hard to secure our economic recovery, support local jobs and help local families get ahead.

During the recent flood, I spent days with many locals, sandbagging, delivering food parcels and generators and then cleaning up the mud.

So far more than $1 billion of Federal funding has been paid to Queenslanders impacted by the flood. With our local Flood Recovery Plan, we will come back stronger, and work on prioritising mitigation efforts.

In addition to delivering on my local plan in Bonner, our strong economy is delivering results.

  • 16,273 people in Queensland have received HomeBuilder grants to help build a new home or renovate an existing one.
  • People in Bonner are paying $128 less for a power bill than two years ago.
  • There are over 2,800 new medicines on the PBS, saving $80 per year for 1.4 million Australians.
  • More bulk billing means people are saving $40 per visit to a GP.
  • 1,710 local families are benefiting from savings of  $2,000 per year on childcare.
  • Around 65,200 taxpayers in Bonner will benefit from tax relief of up to $2,745 this year.
  • Pensions have increased by $159.10 per fortnight since we were elected.

Working together we’ve achieved a lot for our community. With your support we can continue to protect our lifestyle and secure our future locally for your family.



My Flood recovery plan for Bonner

With our local Flood Recovery Plan, we will come back stronger, and work on prioritising mitigation efforts.

Our local plan will:

• Keep our economy strong so we can continue to properly fund our recovery

• Work with the Schrinner Council to fund priority mitigation projects

• Build our local roads back to a higher standard than before

• Get our clubs and organisations back open and resourced to replace damaged equipment

• Support our businesses with disaster funding to protect local jobs

• Provide ongoing assistance including mental health support for local families

We can only recover and come back stronger from the flood if we do it together. With my team I’ll continue to do whatever it takes, but I need your support, and with our local plan we will come back stronger. If you need assistance don’t hesitate to reach out to me personally on (07) 3893 3488 or by email to

Continuing to fix our local roads and reduce traffic

Delivering better local roads to reduce congestion – getting you home sooner and safer. I’ve already secured over $200 million for local road projects. I’ll continue to fight for more local upgrades and to fix local black spots.



Protecting our local lifestyle and environment

I am committed to supporting local community groups, sports clubs and small businesses to thrive in Bonner as well as providing support to local catchment and bushcare groups with funding for planting, wildlife breeding boxes, creek rejuvenation and weed eradication. I’m also working to eliminate harmful plastics and waste by making sure packaging can be recycled, reused and kept out of our waterways.



Securing our economy recovery and keeping Australians safe

Our economic recovery plan is delivering lower taxes and record jobs, including for women and young people. We’re also creating jobs through our $110 billion infrastructure pipeline and supporting more apprentices to help fill the skills of the future. We will always put Australia first and protect our national security and interests.



Supporting families with better health and education

Making sure local families have access to the best education and quality healthcare. Helping young families to get ahead by removing the cap on the Child Care Subsidy and strengthening Medicare by making Telehealth permanent.



Reducing emissions and increasing renewable energy

Delivering real action on Climate Change with a fully costed plan for net zero emissions by 2050. Backing technology, not taxes, by investing in renewables. I’m also working closely with local environment groups and Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner, part of our carbon neutral Council, to deliver energy solutions like solar panels in our local community.