Cash hand outs won’t fool parents

Labor claims to support education and the future of our kids but have slashed education spending and increased cost of living due to their carbon tax broken promise.


“Recent cash hand outs are an attempt to compensate parents for spiralling cost of living pressures,” said the Federal Member for Bonner, Ross Vasta.


“Our children’s inheritance from Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan will be a record $260 billion debt plus interest that we will be paying off for years to come,” Ross Vasta said


“Australia can’t afford another three years of this dishonest government.  


“Parents know electricity costs have increased under Labor due to their carbon tax and this increase is making life more difficult.  


“What parents may not know is that Labor announced $3.9 billion in cuts to education at the end of last year. 


“Funding to a range of apprenticeship, training, and higher education programmes has been scrapped, cut or “delayed”.


“All of these cuts are on top of the $600 million budget cut to the computers in schools programme, the centrepiece of Labor’s 2007 education campaign.


“Childcare costs have skyrocketed under Labor as a direct result of their policies. Experts have warned that in three years parents should expect to pay $100 a day for childcare.


“Australians are sick and tired of Labor’s dishonesty.


“Only a Coalition Government can be trusted to get the Federal Budget back under control, to stop the waste and to introduce polices which will put an end to ever increasing cost of living expenses.

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